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Huiji Golden Silver Egg


  • Century eggs 2 pcs
  • Salted eggs 2 pcs
  • ‘Khaw Kee’ 300g
  • Chicken bones 300g
  • Huiji Waist Tonic 60 ml



  1. Wash the ‘Khaw Kee’, and then soak it in hot water.
  2. Cook the century eggs and salted eggs, after removing the shells cut them into pieces.
  3. Scald chicken bones with boiling water and then put them in the pot. Add 3 cups of water into the pot then cook for 30 minutes under medium heat.
  4. After that, take the chicken bones out and put the ‘Khaw Kee’ into the soup and cook.
  5. Take the ‘Khaw Kee’ out then add it to the century eggs and salted eggs.
  6. Then pour the soup and Huiji Waist Tonic on the Century eggs and salted eggs.


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